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Have you ever wondered why you wake up each morning with a lot of enthusiasm to get so much done, but retire to bed in the night without achieving a quarter of what you set out to do?  Most of us write out our “To-do list” without achieving most or sometimes, any of the items on...
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Life is vast, deep, and inexhaustible in all ramifications. The more we see, the more we realize we haven’t seen it all. Knowledge is a bottomless sea with treasures locked deep down waiting for the daring explorers to reach on to and make novel discoveries. The present pandemic has created new realities globally. Medical experts, world...
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Nigerian Flag
Your birthplace is one of the few things in life you never get the chance to choose yourself. Fate determines our nationality and if an opportunity comes after, we could earn the right to have an additional nationality either by a formal application or by merit.  My birthplace is Nigeria, a once giant nation of Africa,...
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back to school resumption
We are pleased to announce the resumption date for first term 2021/2022 academic session slated for Monday 20th September 2021 by 7.30am. All of us at S-TEE Schools are excited to welcome back students into not just a new term, but also a new academic session. Parents are advised to come with their wards on resumption...
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S-TEE School Is 43
There is excitement in the air today as our beloved and preferred institution of learning S-TEE Schools marks its 43rd year today 10th September 2021. S-TEE Schools as an institution, was founded and established in September, 1978 by Madam S. T. Lawal, with an ultimate goal to develop human capital. Our vision is aimed at building...
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