It is no longer news that our beloved citadel of learning, S-TEE Schools is 40 years. We are 40 years bigger, stronger and still maintaining a strong commitment to imparting sound moral, academic, spiritual and life training skills into our learners. In view of this,...Read More
It is no longer news that, your beloved citadel of learning, S-TEE Schools is 40years this September. As part of the celebration, which holds on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th September, 2018, the count down has already begun. We use this platform to invite you,...Read More
We are pleased to announce that, in line of our 40th anniversary celebration, we have in stock S-TEE at 40 branded t-shirts for both parents and students. The Anniversary t-shirts are available for pick up at a token. To get yours, please visit our corporate...Read More
We are pleased to announce that the first S-TEE Alumni Meet and Greet is now rescheduled to hold on Friday 28th September, 2018. All S-TEE Alumni are hereby invited to this event. To facilitate with our Alumni mata, an open invitation is hereby thrown to...Read More